jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Hola desde el pasado : Dear FutureMe

FutureMe.org permite que puedas escribir un e-mail y que ese mensaje sea enviado a vos mismo, dias, meses, y hasta muchos años después. Una idea interesante realmente y potencialmente muy útil si se usa de una manera no tan banal o superficial.

Estoy seguro que muchos van a poder disfrutar de la posibilidad de poder hablar y conectarte con tu Yo del futuro, para ese entonces, probablemente, una persona bastante diferente a la que sos ahora. Pero además les dejo algunas cartas al azar (no encontré en español), enviadas por usuarios anónimos, que tal vez sirvan para que entiendan como funciona.

Dear FutureMe,

A year ago today you were a little lonely, frustrated, unhealthy and sad. Up to that point, 2006 had not been so good to you. As you wrote this, you had a headache, a back ache, a sore neck, a wad of gauze in your shorts, fingers that smelled of cigarette smoke, only a single Scottish pound in your wallet, and your dog had farted while he rested on the floor next to you. You were broke. You were bored. You were trapped.

Now you are in a much better position. If you don't believe me, move back in with your mother.

Very truly you,

(written Mon Jan 16, 2006, sent Tue Jan 16, 2007)

Dear FutureMe,

I hope You are not like you are right now. I hope you graduate from collage doing something you really enjoy doing and have a passion for. I hope your still weight and health concious and look wonderful. I hope you arent so crazy busy that you forget who you are...thats how you feel right now. I hope your not still living in ohio but somewhere nice with a nice husband and kids.

(written Sat Dec 24, 2005, to be delivered Thu Dec 24, 2020)

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Muchas gracias me encanto, saludos

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